The Board President and the Executive Director

03/02/2023 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PT


  • $35.00




Explore the relationship between the president or chairman of the board and the paid CEO or executive director of a nonprofit.


For Nonprofits with a Paid Executive Director/CEO  

When you're the President of a nonprofit with a paid Executive Executive Director or CEO, the the chain of command in your organization can be confusing. The board has executive power as a governing body. The Executive Director/CEO has authority over the day-to-day operations and staff within the policy and direction set by the board of directors. So, if you’re the President or Chair of the Board, does that mean that you’re in charge of everyone and everything? 

Join us for this class and learn:

  • *When to lead, when to manage.
  • *How to be a successful supervisor and partner with the Executive Director.
  • *How the role of President varies from organizations with executive staff and those without executive staff..


This workshop is tailored for organizations that have a paid executive director, but all are welcome.

Facilitated by Michael Simkins, Ed.D.: Michael has been a member of several nonprofit boards and served as board secretary, treasurer, and president. His professional experience spans the education and nonprofit sectors from being a school principal in Los Osos and Cal Poly lecturer to acting CEO of a major Silicon Valley nonprofit. He is immediate past president at San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre and president of his local property-owners association. Currently, he is Spokes’ CEO.

Neon CRM by Neon One